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Happy New Year 2021 : Holiday Notice

Dear Clients, All the members of team TechnoDG wish you and your family a very Happy New Year 2021. Please note, on this occasion our office shall remain fully closed on Friday, 1st January 2021. Our online support, development and marketing activities shall be fully operational from Saturday, more +

Merry Christmas 2020 : Holiday Notice

Dear Clients, All the members of team TechnoDG wish you and your family a very Happy Christmas. Please note, on the occasion of Christmas our office shall remain fully closed on Friday, 25th December 2020. Our online support, development and marketing activities shall be fully operational from more +

Important DLT notification in line with Regulations - A2P traffic submission requirement effective 19th Nov'2020

Dear Clients, This is to share with you that the telecom industry is taking another major step towards the implementation of the TCCCPR 2018 in order to curb spam and unsolicited commercial communication. In view of the above, all Telecom Service Providers would need you to mandatorily provide more +

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