Enterprise Mailing Solutions

Notification Profiles

Customize notification profiles for any group on your account. Assign events to your profiles which can utilize any number of notifications such as reminders, SMS, or Email.

To set your profile, click the Settings button on the main toolbar, then select Notification Profiles from the Settings folder tree view.

The Notification Profiles page lists all of your profiles and lets you perform many actions, like adding a new profile, edit, delete, or search.

Adding a Profile – To add a new profile, click the New icon from the actions toolbar.

* Name - This can be any name that will help you recognize this profile.
* Email Address – If you would like a reminder sent to an email, enter it here and check the enable box.
* SMS Email – If you would like a reminder sent as a text message, enter it here and check the enable box.
* Enable Reminders – Check this box if you would like a popup window reminder for Tasks and Appointments.

Once you have completed all boxes to your satisfaction, click the Save icon from the actions toolbar.

Edit a Profile - Editing a profile can be done in three different ways:

* Select the profile that you would like to edit and then click the Edit icon from the actions toolbar, or
* Move your mouse over the profile you want to edit and right-click, then select Edit from the drop down menu, or
* Double-click the profile that you would like to edit

Deleting a Profile – Deleting a profile can be done two different ways:

* Select the profile that you would like to delete and then click the Delete icon from the action toolbar, or
* Move your mouse over the profile you want to delete and right-click, then select Delete from the drop down menu

Searching a Profile – To search your profiles, first click the Search icon from the actions toolbar. Another toolbar will appear under the actions toolbar with two boxes to populate. The first box asks for the search criteria that you would like to search for. The second box is a drop down list looking for what fields you want to search through—All Fields, Name, and Type.