Enterprise Mailing Solutions

Flag an Email Message for Follow Up

Enterprise Mail allows users to mark incoming emails for follow up. This is very useful for users who wish to quickly sort out the messages that require a response or other action from those that may not require such urgency.

To mark a message for follow up follow these instructions:

1. Log into Enterprise Webmail as a User.
2. Click on the Email Icon.
3. Select the folder in which the e-mail message you with to mark as follow up.
4. Click on the flag icon on the far right of the message title and the flag will turn red indicating the message is marked as follow up.

To view all messages that are marked as follow up:

1. Log into Enterprise Webmail as a User.
2. Click on the Email Icon.
3. Click on Follow-up Flag in the left tree pane.

These messages will now appear in the Follow-Ups folder as well as the the folder in which they exist with a red flag in their title to help differentiate them from non follow-up emails.